Cameras everywhere: what happens when we become unwitting content for someone else's social media? Reflections on photography and consent in this brave new online world.
Are we naturally inclined to seek the envy of others? Are online platforms designed to put us in competition against one another? Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
Stand Out of Our Light I just finished reading James Wilson Williams's brilliant book Stand Out of Our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy. So many passages stood out.…
Big Tech isn't the enemy - the real problem is INDIFFERENCE to the monumental changes created by Big Tech. Media literacy and digital literacy are essential.
Mass media and advertising are no longer the main illusionists in our culture. WE ARE. We have become illusionists, by the way we present ourselves on social media.
"Social media" companies are built on a big lie: they don't care about us socializing; they are data mining companies that make money through targeted ads
While people are feeling anxious and insecure over Coronavirus, governments around the world are exploiting the situation to normalize mass surveillance.
Moving to a new apartment has forced me to be on a low-tech / digital minimalist lifestyle for a month. I loved every minute of it. Thing is, you don't…
We've entered a brave new world of "Smart TVs": virtually all television sets now record, store and sometimes share with third parties massive amounts of data about viewers' TV habits.…
We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality. – Iris Murdoch For the past 10 years, the words "illusion"…
Let’s play a game. It’s 2008. You have a brand new smartphone that is making your life so much easier: from ubiquitous email, to maps and GPS, and the world’s…